A TRUE Local’s Travel Guide to BRISBANE

Travel Well in Brisbane with our local’s guide to some of the city’s best suburbs and must-do’s! From incredible animal encounters to delicious food and scenic spots, we’ve got you covered. Episode three is coming next week! So, be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss an episode.

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  1. Something that I’ve noticed you guys do well, is annunciation and eloquence. You don’t use filler words and every sentence is on point, without being too long. It’s really refreshing to see in the vast stream of travel channels.

  2. One of my hopes when we first planned our trip to Brisbane was to find a way to see a kangaroo and koala. Imagine our delight when you showed us that there’s a place in Brisbane where we could not only see them both, but actually get to interact with them! Thanks to you, Phoebe, we got to pet many kangaroos, each got to hold and have a picture taken with a koala named Feenie, fed a platypus, and even had a wild rainbow lorikeet land on my hat! It was truly an experience of a lifetime for us both and we are eternally grateful. (Still irritated that we ran out of time and couldn’t get a lamington at Jocelyn’s! 😡)

  3. This seems to be a very charming place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future when all this is over. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!

  4. Thanks for sharing this awesome video. We live in West End for about 2 years. Such a beautiful city to explore. Have been to most of the places in your YouTube video. Looking forward to exploring more about Brisbane.

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