Inside a $4,000,000 Sub Penthouse in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast | Peppers Soul

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00:00 – Intro
00:57 – Balcony
01:08 – Living Space
01:52 – Kitchen/Dining room
03:06 – Bedroom 4
03:47 – Study
04:14 – Bedroom 2
05:06 – Balcony off bedroom 2 & 3
05:35 – Bedroom 3
05:57 – Laundry room
06:05 – 2nd living room
06:44 – Principle bedroom
07:49 – Balcony
08:08 – Building facilities


  1. Great video, great channel. I saw you both at lunch time today walking through Surfers! It's always good to see fellow Brits here 🙂

    Do you have any plans to view houses at Sovereign Islands? Billionaire Clive Palmer owns a big house there.

    If you do, make sure you also pop across to Salacia Waters/Paradise point, for a coffee or beer; it's probably one of the most scenic cafe's/bars in Australia, but many people don't know it's there. It's one of the first places I lived when I first moved to Australia several years ago. It's a beautiful place that looks over some of the most amazing natural river views, with frequent visits from the local dolphins.

    Just to add some context to 2 other videos you did.

    1. The house you viewed at Paradise Place in Surfers Paradise, QLD, Australia, is next to where I live (Budds Beach) looks out over Macintosh Island, which is where Jackie Chan lives.
    2. The apartment you viewed at number one, Deansgate, Manchester, UK, is where Ryan Giggs lives. A few Manchester United and City players live there. I used to live in the big tall one just down the road, called Bethams Tower. I lived a couple of floors down from Gary Nevil. You can't escape Manchester United ex/players. They are everywhere. Hehe!

  2. It is a nice place, but I think it will be suited to people who love to live high up. I prefer a house with a garden and no elevators and no service fees. But properties high in the clouds sell quickly!

  3. Thankfully I don’t watch videos on YouTube to subscribe to people who post videos because it is FREE to watch videos posted on YouTube w/ no obligation to subscribe to people who post videos on YouTube. It is not my responsibility to support YouTubers who rely on YouTube for income.

  4. What about the build? Like what about insulation material? Foam boards? What's inside the walls if anything? What about glass thickness of the windows? What glass rating are we looking at when it comes to noise level and insulation level? Double glass, triple glass? What kind of flooring is it? Is the property well vented in the bathroom to avoid mold etc? What heating/cooling system is in place, can you show the machinery to give the viewers some ideas? Point is, there are like tons of channels like this now where people show properties, but none seem to talk about the build itself, just the looks. This is what the consumers are interested in before buying/renting and so on, could be wise find out about the build to give us an idea about construction itself

  5. I’m still so excited to see you guys showing the Gold Coast. I was living at the towers of chevron renaissance when they were building the Soul and watched it grow. So nice to have a good look at the sun penthouse. If I see you around town I’m going to have to get a selfie with you and give you both a big hug 🤗

  6. If it wasn't for Australias dodgy spiders and if I had a spare 4million Australian dollars I'd be tempted its a beautiful apartment those views are amazing I actually live in a seaside town i live a mile away from the sea the sea air wafting against your face nothing better seriously if you have the money go for this apartment sea air is beautiful im not the owner but if this helps and they want to give me a percentage I wouldn't say no

  7. After what Australia did to their own people During the virus I don't want to go anywhere near that country😢😢😢. The Australian people had every right to rise up they should have overthrounded government really😅

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